Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Up Coming Dates

May 2 - 3rd Grade Field Trip

May 9 - 1st Grade Field Trip

May 14 - Talent Show

May 19th - Half Day

May 20 - Fifth Grade Graduation

May 21st - P.E. Fun Day

May 22nd - Last Day of School

Will Add more dates when I get more - !!!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

We need you!!

We are always looking to meet new Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Friends of our awesome kiddos at Wilson! It's that time of year again when we are filling spots on the PTO Board...if you or anyone you know is interested you can comment here, private message or call the school! Please know even if you're not in the position to be on the Board there's many other opportunities to help in all areas of volunteering at Wilson Elementary School and it's ALL
Share this video with your school's parents as a fun visual explanation of how important their involvement is in their children's education! Spanish-language...