Monday, October 18, 2010

Where does Cotton Candy money go?

The Field Trip fund!!!
Last week Mrs. Lohse and Mrs. Rimby were able to take their classes to Linder Farms!

The only picking rule was "only pick a pumpkin you can carry"!

Snack time!

Mrs. Rimbey's am class!
3 little pumpkins...
*Thank you Linder Farms once again for a great pumpkin picking experience!
Fun Facts About The Pumpkin!
1. Pumpkins contain potassium and Vitamin A.
2. Pumpkin flowers are edible.
3. The largest pumpkin pie ever made was over five feet in diameter and weighed over 350 pounds. It used 80 pounds of cooked pumpkin, 36 pounds of sugar, 12 dozen eggs and took six hours to bake.
4. In early colonial times, pumpkins were used as an ingredient for the crust of pies, not the filling.
5. Pumpkins were once recommended for removing freckles and curing snake bites.
6. The largest pumpkin ever grown weighed 1,140 pounds.
7. Pumpkins are 90 percent water.
8. Eighty percent of the pumpkin supply in the United States is available in October.
9. Native Americans flattened strips of pumpkins, dried them and made mats.
10. Native Americans used pumpkin seeds for food and medicine
Thank you parents for supporting your child/children's Field Trip Fund!!!

Wilson Elementary rocked HOMECOMING WEEK!!!
It was a great week watching all the students get creative with each days theme!!
All week the halls were filled with Silly Socks, Crazy Hair, Mismatched Shoes, Bling.....

and most importantly BLUE AND GOLD!!!!

All these future Cougars had a fantastic time cheering on CHS!!!

It was great seeing all the family that showed up to support CHS

Some of the am Kindergartner "walkers"

Thanks to all the kids and staff who made Spirit week great!!!

Childhood is the most beautiful of all life's seasons. ~Author Unknown